All Classes and Interfaces

The class to store Ad Revenue data.
Builder class for AdRevenue objects.
Enum containing possible Ad Type values.
Advertising identifiers (google and huawei) information.
Object of this class holds information about one specific identifier.
Describes information about request status.
Interface for custom ANR events listener.
Class assistant for analytic processing.
Contains configuration of analytic processing.
Builds a new AppMetricaConfig object.
This class contains constants with default values for different aspects of SDK.
AppMetricaPlugins is an extension of AppMetrica.
The attribute class.
The birth date attribute class.
The boolean attribute class.
The counter attribute class.
A listener for implementing a deferred deeplink handler.
Describes an amount of something - number and unit.
Describes an item in a cart.
ECommerce event object.
Describes an order - info about a cart purchase.
Describes price of a product.
Describes a product.
Describes transition source - screen which shown screen, product card, etc.
Describes a screen (page).
External attribution interface.
Class with implementations of ExternalAttribution interface.
The gender attribute class.
Gender enumeration.
Custom crash transformer.
Analogue of IReporter for custom modules and plugins.
IPluginReporter is an extension of IReporter.
IReporter can send events to an alternative api key, differ from api key, passed to AppMetrica.activate(android.content.Context, AppMetricaConfig)
Custom event parameters.
Builds a new ModuleEvent object.
Class with methods for communication of different AppMetrica modules.
The name attribute class.
The NotificationsEnabled attribute class.
The number attribute class.
Class describing the error.
Builder for PluginErrorDetails.
Class containing popular constants used in PluginErrorDetails.Builder.withPlatform(String).
Predefined device types for AppMetricaConfig.Builder.withDeviceType(String) method.
Contains information for tracking preloaded apps Configuration created by PreloadInfo.Builder
Builds a new PreloadInfo instance.
Contains configuration of analytic processing in IReporter.
Builds a new ReporterConfig object.
The class to store revenue data.
Builder class for Revenue objects.
The class to store in-app purchases data.
Builder class for Revenue.Receipt objects.
Class describing the stacktrace in a common form so that errors both from native and plugin code can be described via this object.
Builder for StackTraceItem.
Callback to notify about params' changes.
Possible values that are passed when calling StartupParamsCallback.onRequestError(Reason, Result) method.
Objects of this class contain information about retrieved startup parameters.
Startup value with status and error description.
The string attribute class.
The class to store a user profile.
Builder class for UserProfile objects.
UserProfileUpdate<T extends>
This class indicates user profile update.
Exception that is thrown if some of the mandatory conditions for calling AppMetrica SDK methods are not met.