All Classes and Interfaces

Parsed additional action data.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.addAction(NotificationCompat.Action) method.
Possible additional action types for AdditionalAction.getType().
Main entry point for AppMetrica Push SDK.
Main outer facade for tracking push events lifecycle via AppMetrica.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setAutoCancel(boolean) method.
Configuration for auto tracking of Push SDK actions.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setCategory(String) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setChannelId(String) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setColor(int) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setContentInfo(CharSequence) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setContentIntent(PendingIntent) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setContentText(CharSequence) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setContentTitle(CharSequence) method.
Parsed coordinates data.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setDefaults(int) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setDeleteIntent(PendingIntent) method.
Contains location with its status.
Provides extra bundle for notification actions.
Possible filters that PushMessage can have.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setGroup(String) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setGroupSummary(boolean) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setLargeIcon(Bitmap) method.
Parsed lazy push request info.
Interface for custom lazy push request info patterns.
Describes values that is user in NotificationCompat.Builder.setLights(int, int, int) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setLights(int, int, int) method.
Interface for custom location provider.
Parsed location info.
Location status.
Subclass of LocationStatus for the case when custom LocationProvider is null.
Subclass of LocationStatus for the case when location is not near points.
Subclass of LocationStatus for the case when location is not accurate.
Subclass of LocationStatus for the case when location is not near points.
Subclass of LocationStatus for the case when location is not recent.
Subclass of LocationStatus for the case when LocationManager is null.
Subclass of LocationStatus for the case when location provider returned null.
Subclass of LocationStatus for the case when proper permission is not granted.
Subclass of LocationStatus for the case when location is successfully obtained.
Verifies that location meet some restrictions.
Describes NotificationCompat.Action.
Builds a new NotificationActionInfo object.
Possibles action types.
Extension point for customization push notification building process.
Allows to set custom NotificationCustomizer while building NotificationCompat.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder methods.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setNumber(int) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setOngoing(boolean) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setOnlyAlertOnce(boolean) method.
Possible ways to process notification action.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setPriority(int) method.
Interface for custom PushFilter.
Possible statuses of filtration.
Interface for custom PushFilteredCallback.
Parsed push message data.
Interface for custom PushMessageTracker.
Describes push message notification.
Interface for custom factory that creates Notification from PushMessage.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setShowWhen(boolean) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setSmallIcon(int) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setSortKey(String) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setSound(Uri) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setStyle(NotificationCompat.Style) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setSubText(CharSequence) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setTicker(CharSequence) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setTimeoutAfter(long) method.
Token update listener.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setVibrate(long[]) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setVisibility(int) method.
Extracts value for NotificationCompat.Builder.setWhen(long) method.