
Object MobileAds

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MobileAds

    Class contains logic that applies to the Mobile Ads SDK as a whole. Right now, the only methods in it are used for enabling SDK logs, getting SDK version and enabling visibility error indicator.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • showDebugPanel

         final static Unit showDebugPanel(Context context)

        Launches SDK debug panel.

        context - The application context.
      • enableLogging

         final static Unit enableLogging(Boolean enableLogging)

        Enables SDK logs. Logs are disabled by default.

        enableLogging - If set to true, logs will be enabled, otherwise disabled.
      • setLocationConsent

         final static Unit setLocationConsent(Boolean locationConsent)

        Enables location usage for ad loading. Disabled by default Location permission is still required to be granted additionally to the consent.

        locationConsent - If set to true, location will be used for ads loading, otherwise not.
      • enableDebugErrorIndicator

         final static Unit enableDebugErrorIndicator(Boolean enableIndicator)

        Enable or disable visibility error indicator in Debug Mode. Indicator is enabled by default.

        enableIndicator - If set to true, visibility error indicator will be displayed, otherwise not.
      • setUserConsent

         final static Unit setUserConsent(Boolean consent)

        Set a value indicating whether user from GDPR region allowed to collect personal data which is used for analytics and ad targeting. If the value is set to false personal data will not be collected.

        consent - true if user provided consent to collect personal data, otherwise false.
      • setAgeRestrictedUser

         final static Unit setAgeRestrictedUser(Boolean ageRestrictedUser)

        Set a value indicating whether user is a child or undefined age. If the value is set to true personal data will not be collected.

        ageRestrictedUser - true if user falls under COPPA restrictions, otherwise false.
      • initialize

         final static Unit initialize(Context context, InitializationListener initializationListener)

        Initializes the Yandex Mobile Ads SDK internal state.

        context - The application context.
        initializationListener - A listener for receiving notifications about SDK initialization complete.