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addChildrenForAccessibility(ArrayList) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
addExtraDataToAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo,String,Bundle) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
addFocusables(ArrayList,Integer) - function in android.view.View
addFocusables(ArrayList,Integer,Integer) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
addImageLoadingListener(NativeAdImageLoadingListener) - function in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads.NativeAd
Adds listener for receiving notifications about images loading progress.
addKeyboardNavigationClusters(Collection,Integer) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
addOnAttachStateChangeListener(View.OnAttachStateChangeListener) - function in android.view.View
addOnLayoutChangeListener(View.OnLayoutChangeListener) - function in android.view.View
addOnUnhandledKeyEventListener(View.OnUnhandledKeyEventListener) - function in android.view.View
addStatesFromChildren() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
addSuppressed(Throwable) - function in kotlin.Throwable
addTouchables(ArrayList) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
addView(View) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
addView(View,ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
addView(View,Integer) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
addView(View,Integer,ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
addView(View,Integer,Integer) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
addVisibilityChangeListener(ViewVisibilityChangeListener) - function in com.monetization.ads.banner.InternalAdView
AdError - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.common
Class containing errors that can occur during an ad request.
AdInfo - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.common
Container for base Ad information
AdPodInfo - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.video.playback.model
This class provides information about adpod
AdRequest - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.common
An AdRequest contains targeting information used to fetch an ad.
AdRequest.Builder - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.common.AdRequest
Builds an AdRequest.
AdRequestError - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.common
Class containing errors that can occur during an ad request.
AdRequestError.Code - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.common.AdRequestError
Error codes to explain the main cause.
AdSize - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.common
Container for ad sizes.
animate() - function in android.view.View
announceForAccessibility(CharSequence) - function in android.view.View
APP_INSTALL - enum entry in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads.NativeAdType

App install native ad type.

applyAppearance(CoreNativeTemplateAppearance) - function in com.monetization.ads.nativeads.template.CoreNativeBannerView
applyAppearance(NativeTemplateAppearance) - function in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads.template.NativeBannerView
Use this method to change default appearance.
AppOpenAd - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.appopenad
Full-screen app open ad.
AppOpenAdEventListener - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.appopenad
A listener for receiving notifications during the lifecycle of an app open ad.
AppOpenAdLoader - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.appopenad
Full-screen app open ads.
AppOpenAdLoadListener - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.appopenad
A listener for receiving notifications during the lifecycle of an app open ad.
AUDIO_ERROR - enum entry in com.yandex.mobile.ads.instream.player.ad.error.InstreamAdPlayerError.Reason
autofill(SparseArray) - function in android.view.View
autofill(AutofillValue) - function in android.view.View
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