
Interface InstreamAdPlayerListener

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public interface InstreamAdPlayerListener

    This interface used to handle callbacks of instream ad player. Callback calls on this object should respond to appropriate method calls on InstreamAdPlayer

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract Unit onAdPrepared(VideoAd videoAd) Fire this callback when instream ad player is ready to present videoAd
      abstract Unit onAdStarted(VideoAd videoAd) Fire this callback when instream ad player started playing videoAd
      abstract Unit onAdPaused(VideoAd videoAd) Fire this callback when instream ad player paused playing videoAd
      abstract Unit onAdResumed(VideoAd videoAd) Fire this callback when instream ad player resumed playing videoAd
      abstract Unit onAdBufferingStarted(VideoAd videoAd) Fire this callback when instream ad player started buffering the videoAd
      abstract Unit onAdBufferingFinished(VideoAd videoAd) Fire this callback when instream ad player ended buffering the videoAd
      abstract Unit onAdCompleted(VideoAd videoAd) Fire this callback when instream ad player completed playing videoAd
      abstract Unit onVolumeChanged(VideoAd videoAd, Float volume) Fire this callback when instream ad player volume was updated
      abstract Unit onAdStopped(VideoAd videoAd) Fire this callback when instream ad player stopped playing videoAd
      abstract Unit onAdSkipped(VideoAd videoAd) Fire this callback when instream ad player stopped playing videoAd
      abstract Unit onError(VideoAd videoAd, InstreamAdPlayerError error) Fire this callback when error occures in instream ad player while preparing or playing videoAd
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • onAdPrepared

         abstract Unit onAdPrepared(VideoAd videoAd)

        Fire this callback when instream ad player is ready to present videoAd

        videoAd - Video Ad for which the event occurred
      • onAdStarted

         abstract Unit onAdStarted(VideoAd videoAd)

        Fire this callback when instream ad player started playing videoAd

        videoAd - Video Ad for which the event occurred
      • onAdPaused

         abstract Unit onAdPaused(VideoAd videoAd)

        Fire this callback when instream ad player paused playing videoAd

        videoAd - Video Ad for which the event occurred
      • onAdResumed

         abstract Unit onAdResumed(VideoAd videoAd)

        Fire this callback when instream ad player resumed playing videoAd

        videoAd - Video Ad for which the event occurred
      • onAdBufferingStarted

         abstract Unit onAdBufferingStarted(VideoAd videoAd)

        Fire this callback when instream ad player started buffering the videoAd

        videoAd - Video Ad for which the event occurred
      • onAdBufferingFinished

         abstract Unit onAdBufferingFinished(VideoAd videoAd)

        Fire this callback when instream ad player ended buffering the videoAd

        videoAd - Video Ad for which the event occurred
      • onAdCompleted

         abstract Unit onAdCompleted(VideoAd videoAd)

        Fire this callback when instream ad player completed playing videoAd

        videoAd - Video Ad for which the event occurred
      • onVolumeChanged

         abstract Unit onVolumeChanged(VideoAd videoAd, Float volume)

        Fire this callback when instream ad player volume was updated

        videoAd - Video Ad for which the event occurred
        volume - Volume value that was set to the player
      • onAdStopped

         abstract Unit onAdStopped(VideoAd videoAd)

        Fire this callback when instream ad player stopped playing videoAd

        videoAd - Video Ad for which the event occurred
      • onAdSkipped

         abstract Unit onAdSkipped(VideoAd videoAd)

        Fire this callback when instream ad player stopped playing videoAd

        videoAd - Video Ad for which the event occurred
      • onError

         abstract Unit onError(VideoAd videoAd, InstreamAdPlayerError error)

        Fire this callback when error occures in instream ad player while preparing or playing videoAd

        videoAd - Video Ad for which the event occurred
        error - InstreamAdPlayerError that occurred