Yandex Mobile Ads
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YandexMobileAds.Banner Class Reference

A class for displaying banner ad view. More...

Public Member Functions

 Banner (string blockId, BannerAdSize adSize, AdPosition position)
 Initializes an object of the Banner class to display the banner with the specified size.

blockIdA unique identifier in the R-M-XXXXXX-Y format, which is assigned in the Partner interface.
adSizeThe size of banner ad. YandexMobileAds.Base.BannerAdSize
positionBanner position on screen YandexMobileAds.Base.AdPosition

void LoadAd (AdRequest request)
 Loads Banner with data for targeting.
void Hide ()
 Hides Banner from screen.
void Show ()
 Shows Banner on screen.
void Destroy ()
 Destroys Banner.


EventHandler< EventArgs > OnAdLoaded
 Notifies that the banner is loaded. At this time, you can add banner if you haven’t done so yet.
EventHandler< AdFailureEventArgsOnAdFailedToLoad
 Notifies that the banner failed to load.
EventHandler< EventArgs > OnReturnedToApplication
 Called when user returned to application after click.
EventHandler< EventArgs > OnLeftApplication
 Notifies that the app will become inactive now because the user clicked on the banner ad and is about to switch to a different application (Phone, App Store, and so on).
EventHandler< EventArgs > OnAdClicked
 Notifies that the user has clicked on the banner.
EventHandler< ImpressionDataOnImpression
 Notifies delegate when an impression was tracked.

Detailed Description

A class for displaying banner ad view.

Definition at line 20 of file Banner.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Banner()

YandexMobileAds.Banner.Banner ( string  blockId,
BannerAdSize  adSize,
AdPosition  position 

Initializes an object of the Banner class to display the banner with the specified size.

blockIdA unique identifier in the R-M-XXXXXX-Y format, which is assigned in the Partner interface.
adSizeThe size of banner ad. YandexMobileAds.Base.BannerAdSize
positionBanner position on screen YandexMobileAds.Base.AdPosition

Definition at line 62 of file Banner.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Destroy()

void YandexMobileAds.Banner.Destroy ( )

Destroys Banner.

Definition at line 99 of file Banner.cs.

◆ Hide()

void YandexMobileAds.Banner.Hide ( )

Hides Banner from screen.

Definition at line 83 of file Banner.cs.

◆ LoadAd()

void YandexMobileAds.Banner.LoadAd ( AdRequest  request)

Loads Banner with data for targeting.

requestData for targeting.

Definition at line 75 of file Banner.cs.

◆ Show()

void YandexMobileAds.Banner.Show ( )

Shows Banner on screen.

Definition at line 91 of file Banner.cs.

Event Documentation

◆ OnAdClicked

EventHandler<EventArgs> YandexMobileAds.Banner.OnAdClicked

Notifies that the user has clicked on the banner.

Definition at line 46 of file Banner.cs.

◆ OnAdFailedToLoad

EventHandler<AdFailureEventArgs> YandexMobileAds.Banner.OnAdFailedToLoad

Notifies that the banner failed to load.

Definition at line 30 of file Banner.cs.

◆ OnAdLoaded

EventHandler<EventArgs> YandexMobileAds.Banner.OnAdLoaded

Notifies that the banner is loaded. At this time, you can add banner if you haven’t done so yet.

Definition at line 25 of file Banner.cs.

◆ OnImpression

EventHandler<ImpressionData> YandexMobileAds.Banner.OnImpression

Notifies delegate when an impression was tracked.

Definition at line 51 of file Banner.cs.

◆ OnLeftApplication

EventHandler<EventArgs> YandexMobileAds.Banner.OnLeftApplication

Notifies that the app will become inactive now because the user clicked on the banner ad and is about to switch to a different application (Phone, App Store, and so on).

Definition at line 41 of file Banner.cs.

◆ OnReturnedToApplication

EventHandler<EventArgs> YandexMobileAds.Banner.OnReturnedToApplication

Called when user returned to application after click.

Definition at line 35 of file Banner.cs.

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