Yandex Mobile Ads
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YandexMobileAds.RewardedAd Class Reference

Full-screen rewarded ad. More...

Public Member Functions

AdInfo GetInfo ()
 Returns base information about loaded Ad.
void Show ()
 Shows the rewarded ad. Single rewarded ad can be showed just once.
void Destroy ()
 Destroys Rewarded entirely and cleans up resources.


EventHandler< EventArgs > OnAdShown
 Notifies that the rewarded ad has been shown.
EventHandler< AdFailureEventArgsOnAdFailedToShow
 Notifies that the rewarded ad failed to show.
EventHandler< EventArgs > OnAdDismissed
 Notifies that the rewarded ad has been dismissed.
EventHandler< EventArgs > OnAdClicked
 Notifies that the user clicked on the ad.
EventHandler< ImpressionDataOnAdImpression
 Notifies that an impression was observed.
EventHandler< RewardOnRewarded
 Notifies that the user can be rewarded.

Detailed Description

Full-screen rewarded ad.

Definition at line 19 of file RewardedAd.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Destroy()

void YandexMobileAds.RewardedAd.Destroy ( )

Destroys Rewarded entirely and cleans up resources.

Definition at line 103 of file RewardedAd.cs.

◆ GetInfo()

AdInfo YandexMobileAds.RewardedAd.GetInfo ( )

Returns base information about loaded Ad.

AdInfo information about loaded Ad.

Definition at line 70 of file RewardedAd.cs.

◆ Show()

void YandexMobileAds.RewardedAd.Show ( )

Shows the rewarded ad. Single rewarded ad can be showed just once.

Definition at line 78 of file RewardedAd.cs.

Event Documentation

◆ OnAdClicked

EventHandler<EventArgs> YandexMobileAds.RewardedAd.OnAdClicked

Notifies that the user clicked on the ad.

Definition at line 42 of file RewardedAd.cs.

◆ OnAdDismissed

EventHandler<EventArgs> YandexMobileAds.RewardedAd.OnAdDismissed

Notifies that the rewarded ad has been dismissed.

Definition at line 37 of file RewardedAd.cs.

◆ OnAdFailedToShow

EventHandler<AdFailureEventArgs> YandexMobileAds.RewardedAd.OnAdFailedToShow

Notifies that the rewarded ad failed to show.

Definition at line 32 of file RewardedAd.cs.

◆ OnAdImpression

EventHandler<ImpressionData> YandexMobileAds.RewardedAd.OnAdImpression

Notifies that an impression was observed.

Definition at line 47 of file RewardedAd.cs.

◆ OnAdShown

EventHandler<EventArgs> YandexMobileAds.RewardedAd.OnAdShown

Notifies that the rewarded ad has been shown.

Definition at line 27 of file RewardedAd.cs.

◆ OnRewarded

EventHandler<Reward> YandexMobileAds.RewardedAd.OnRewarded

Notifies that the user can be rewarded.

Definition at line 52 of file RewardedAd.cs.

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