Main Varioqub class with static methods. If you want to use Varioqub as instance of the class use the getInstance method.
Activates the last fetched config. Calls the onComplete listener when activation successfully ends.
Clears all previously added client features.
Fetches flags from server. After successful fetch, call OnFetchCompleteListener.onSuccess. If error occurs while fetch, OnFetchCompleteListener.onError will be called with a message and the FetchError reason.
Returns a set of all keys for the flags.
Returns boolean value from ConfigValue by key. For order of flags see getValue.
Returns instance of Varioqub.
Returns ConfigValue.
Initializes Varioqub with settings, adapter for analytic system, and Android Context.
Adds or replaces client feature used for experiment filtering.
Sets map with default values. Map will be overwritten each time this method is called.
Sets defaults by XML resource with ID. Calls the onComplete listener when defaults are saved. XML format: