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NativeAd - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
Interface allows to set NativeAdEventListener and to define whether web links are opened by in-app browser or by third-party browsers.
NativeAdAssets - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
Interface provides values for native ad assets.
NativeAdEventListener - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
A listener for receiving notifications during the lifecycle of a native ad.
NativeAdException - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
This exception is thrown when for some reason was unable to parse the native ad response.
NativeAdImage - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
NativeAdImage represents image asset.
NativeAdImageLoadingListener - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
A listener for receiving notifications about images loading progress.
NativeAdLoader - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
Class containing controls for native ad loading.
NativeAdLoadListener - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
Interface that is implemented to determine when the loading of native advertising has completed or failed.
NativeAdMedia - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
NativeAdMedia represents media content.
NativeAdRequestConfiguration - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
An AdRequest contains targeting information used to fetch an ad.
NativeAdRequestConfiguration.Builder - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads.NativeAdRequestConfiguration
Builds an NativeAdRequestConfiguration.
NativeAdType - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
The type of native ad.
NativeAdView - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
NativeAdView represents root view for native ad.
NativeAdViewBinder - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
NativeAdViewBinder allows bind native ad view View with native ad's content.
NativeAdViewBinder.Builder - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads.NativeAdViewBinder
Builds a NativeAdViewBinder.
NativeBannerView - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads.template
NativeBannerView provides template for displaying native ads.
NativeBulkAdLoader - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
Class containing controls for bulk request ad loading.
NativeBulkAdLoadListener - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads
Interface that is implemented to determine when the loading of bulk ad request has completed or failed.
NativeTemplateAppearance - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads.template.appearance
NativeTemplateAppearance provides interfaces for native templates customization.
NativeTemplateAppearance.Builder - class in com.yandex.mobile.ads.nativeads.template.appearance.NativeTemplateAppearance
Builds a NativeTemplateAppearance.
NETWORK_UNAVAILABLE - enum entry in com.yandex.mobile.ads.instream.player.ad.error.InstreamAdPlayerError.Reason
notifyDataSetChanged() - function in androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.Adapter
notifyItemChanged(Integer) - function in androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.Adapter
notifyItemChanged(Integer,Object) - function in androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.Adapter
notifyItemInserted(Integer) - function in androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.Adapter
notifyItemMoved(Integer,Integer) - function in androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.Adapter
notifyItemRangeChanged(Integer,Integer) - function in androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.Adapter
notifyItemRangeChanged(Integer,Integer,Object) - function in androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.Adapter
notifyItemRangeInserted(Integer,Integer) - function in androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.Adapter
notifyItemRangeRemoved(Integer,Integer) - function in androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.Adapter
notifyItemRemoved(Integer) - function in androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.Adapter
notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChanged(View,View,Integer) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
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