Yandex Mobile Ads
No Matches
Package List
Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):
[detail level 1234]
 CAdErrorRepresents error, that occurs when ad fails to perform action
 CAdFailedToLoadEventArgsRepresents event, that occurs when AdLoader fails to load an ad
 CAdFailureEventArgsRepresents an event, that occurs when ad fails to perform an action
 CAdInfoContainer for base Ad information
 CAdRequestContains targeting information used to fetch an ad. new instance should be created using AdRequestConfiguration.Builder
 CBuilderA class responsible for creating AdRequest objects
 CAdRequestConfigurationA class with data for a targeted ad request
 CBuilderA class responsible for creating AdRequest objects
 CAdRequestErrorRepresents an event, that occurs when the ad failed to load
 CAdSizeThis class represents the size of the ad
 CBannerAdSizeThis class is responsible for the banner size
 CGenderThe gender of the user
 CImpressionDataRepresents impression-level revenue data
 CLocationCurrent user location
 CRewardRepresents reward given to the user
 CAppOpenAdFull-screen app open ad
 CAppOpenAdLoaderFull-screen app open ads
 CBannerA class for displaying banner ad view
 CInterstitialFull-screen interstitial ad
 CInterstitialAdLoaderFull-screen interstitial ads
 CMobileAdsA class allows you to set general SDK settings
 CRewardedAdFull-screen rewarded ad
 CRewardedAdLoaderFull-screen rewarded ads